


The Butte-Glenn Community College District is considering adoption of a by-trustee area election system. Under by-trustee area election systems, voters residing within each trustee area will elect a trustee also residing within the trustee area.

Though District trustees are already required to reside in the trustee area they represent, if the changes are approved, District voters will only vote for the trustee position of the trustee area where the voter resides.

Follow this page for information on meeting dates, proposed maps, & more.

Hearing Dates

Proposed Maps

Final Proposed Map: 101C Revised for February 25, 2022 meeting

Interactive Maps

Maps for February 16, 2022

Revised Map 101B

Revised Map 101C

Maps for January 26, 2022

Map 101

Map 101A

Map 101B

Map 101C

Map 102



How are trustees of the Butte-Glenn Community College District currently elected?

The Butte-Glenn Community College District has seven elected trustees.  Currently, there are two trustee areas in Glenn County and five trustee areas in Butte County.

The District currently operates under a hybrid trustee area election model.  Under this hybrid system, trustees live in the election area they represent, but are elected at-large among all voters within the District. This means that any voter residing within the District may vote for any trustee candidate.

The hybrid trustee area election model was approved by District voters in June 1976.  This approval followed the March 1975 approval to annex a portion of Glenn County to the Butte Community College District, creating the Butte-Glenn Community College District.  The trustee areas have not changed since 1976.

What changes are being made to the Butte-Glenn Community College District’s election system?

The District is considering adoption of a by-trustee area election system.  Under by-trustee area election systems, voters residing within each trustee area will elect a trustee also residing within the trustee area.  Though District trustees are already required to reside in the trustee area they represent, if the changes are approved, District voters will only vote for the trustee position of the trustee area where the voter resides.  

A new trustee area map will also be considered for adoption.  Trustee areas must be of substantially equal population, as required by the United States and California Constitutions.  The District anticipates modifications to the trustee area boundaries will be necessary to balance the population within trustee areas.

What is the California Voting Rights Act?

The intent of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) is to ensure minorities and other members of protected classes are provided equal access to fair representation, and to prevent racially polarized voting.  The CVRA favors the by- trustee area elections model.  The District desires to ensure equal access to fair representation for all voters residing within the District.

Why is the Butte-Glenn Community College District changing the way trustees are elected?

Butte-Glenn Community College District values all members of its communities and desires that its trustee elections provide equal access to fair representation.  The CVRA favors by-trustee area elections to prevent racially polarized voting and provide equal access to fair representation.

Are the boundaries of the Butte-Glenn Community College District changing?

No.  This change does not impact the District’s boundaries.  The change only impacts the boundaries of the seven trustee voting areas within the District.

Is the number of trustees changing?

No.  There will continue to be seven elected trustees.  Only the boundaries of each trustee area will change.

Will the current trustee areas change?

The current trustee areas will likely change to ensure each trustee area is of substantially equal population, as required by the United States and California Constitutions.  A demographer will analyze the population of the entire District and develop several trustee area map options with trustee areas that are of substantially equal population.

Will Glenn County lose a trustee area?

We anticipate the boundaries of the trustee areas, including the two in Glenn County, will likely be modified to ensure substantially equal population among trustee areas.  This does not necessarily mean Glenn County will lose a trustee area, since there may be options that involve incorporating contiguous areas of Butte County into these trustee areas.  The District recommends bringing all concerns, comments, and ideas regarding map development and boundaries to the public hearings.  The first two “pre-map” public hearings provide an opportunity for the public to provide input prior to development of the maps. 

What is the process to transition to by-trustee elections?

  • Adoption of a resolution to initiate the change to by-trustee area voting. The District adopted this resolution on April 14, 2021. 
  • Selection of a demographer. The demographer will analyze Census data and develop proposed trustee areas options. 
  • Public hearings 1 & 2. The two “pre-map” public hearings will be held prior to preparation of trustee area map proposals, and are for the purpose receiving public input regarding composition of such maps.  The public hearing dates will be posted on the District’s website.
  • Preparation of trustee area map proposals. Following the two pre-map hearings, and release of the 2020 Census data (anticipated September 2021), the demographer will prepare several draft map options for Board and public consideration.  The demographer will analyze the population of the District to ensure that trustee voting areas are of substantially equal population.
  • Public hearings 3 & 4. Two “post-map” public hearings will be held regarding the trustee areas proposed by the demographer, for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the proposed maps.  The public hearing dates will be posted on the District’s website.
  • Public hearing 5 and Board approval. A final public hearing will be held to discuss the proposed changes, and the Board will approve a by-trustee area election system and a particular trustee area map. 
  • Request to California Community Colleges Board of Governors’ to Approve New Election System. The District will request, and the Board of Governors’ will consider approval of, the election system and trustee area map approved by the Board.

How will the transition to by-trustee area elections affect trustees who are currently elected ?

All incumbent board members will serve out their terms. The by-trustee area model will be implemented through the regular trustee election cycle.   

When are the public hearing for Butte-Glenn Community College District scheduled?

The District is committed to transparency during this transition process, and will comply with the Election Code’s procedures, which require the District to conduct a total of five public hearings prior to the Board’s approval of new trustee area maps.  Hearing dates will be posted on the District’s website.

Two pre-map hearings will be conducted prior to the development of the trustee area maps.  The District anticipates these hearings will be held in August 2021, and scheduled dates will be posted on the District’s website.  Following these hearings, and release of the 2020 Census data (anticipated in September 2021), the demographer will prepare trustee area map proposals.

Following preparation of trustee area map proposals, three public hearings will be conducted prior to the Board’s consideration of approval of a by-trustee area election system and a final trustee area map.  Currently, the District anticipates these hearings will be held in January and February 2022.  Hearing dates will be posted on the District’s website.  Following the third post-map hearing – the fifth hearing overall – the Board will approve a final trustee area map.

When will the by-trustee area voting system change be effective?

The District anticipates the new trustee-areas will be phased in over the course of the November 2022 and November 2024 elections.

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